Motion to Legalize Recreational Marijuana to Be Entered Into Canadian Parliament This Thursday, April 13, 2017

11 04 2017

From the “Well It’s About Freakin’ Time Department”:

The Canadian Government plans on introducing legislation legalizing the recreational use of marijuana this Thursday, April 13, 2017. If all goes as planned (and it should), non medical marijuana use would most likely be legal before Canada Day 2018 (July 1, 2018).

Medically prescribed marijuana has been legal in Canada for several years now, and possession of small amounts of marijuana have been decriminalized for over a decade, though marijuana possession is still technically a crime in Canada.

It’s Been Way Too Long… And I’m “Legal” Now

6 09 2016

So, yeah, I’m a jerk and I don’t blog, even after saying I would.

Well, that’s the way I am… Sorry.

IMG_20160906_101439Now that said, I’m happy to be back here with you. What’s new? Well, another 4:20 (April 20th) went by and I forgot to post anything… Hmmm, saw some really awesome, retro laser shows. What else? Oh yeah: I now have a prescription for medical marijuana!

That’s right: after medicating for years to deal with chronic back pain (with chronic! lol), I actually have a prescription for medical pot. I had been thinking about getting one for some time, but it seemed like a real hassle with lot’s of hoops to jump through.

Or so I thought

I was at my physical and I told my doctor that I use pot for pain relief. He asked me if I had a prescription for it. When I said I didn’t, he offered me one, asking how much I use for pain, and after me telling him, he wrote me a prescription for medical marijuana. He also told me I was in pretty good shape over all. Yeah, so now, a few weeks later, I am registered with a medical marijuana dispensary, Canntrust and I just received my first order: five grams of Sensi Star, five grams of Diesel and five grams of Original White Widow. Having tried just the Sensi Star so far, I have to say that I am more than impressed with the quality of the product, the packaging, shipping and very importantly, the price. I don’t know why I was expecting it not to be, but the price was more than fair. Heck, for being a new customer, they even included a half decent grinder with my order. Most importantly though, I received my card saying that I have a prescription for medical marijuana, and that it is legal for me to be carrying up to sixty grams of marijuana on me. While that is way more than I ever carry, I like the piece of mind knowing that if I am ever stopped, I don’t have to worry about losing my weed and receiving a fine.

Yeah, so that’s what’s new!

It’s Happening: Justin Trudeau Orders Canada’s Justice Minister To Begin the Process of Marijuana Legalization

16 11 2015

Flag_of_Canada.svg copyWell, it’s finally happening: Canada’s new Liberal government is moving to legalize marijuana. Part of their election platform, Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government is starting the ball rolling on the legalization of marijuana. Finally we can stop worrying about being persecuted for something that doesn’t harm anyone. Sure, for several years, if you had under thirty grams, you would only get a fine, like a parking ticket, but even that is/was unnecessary. Another great benefit will be the taxes that the government will be be able to take in: one you IMG_0906tax pot, you open a huge, previously untapped revenue stream that can be put towards education, health and infrastructure. At a time when the Canadian economy is on shaky grounds, this can be a huge overall economic benefit. On top of all that, it’s going to be really nice to be able to go into a store and buy my pot, instead of having to setup a clandestine meeting at an inconvenient time. Yes sir, I’m going to be happy when this is all said and done!

Check out this article on for more info: Justin Trudeau Has Ordered Canada’s Justice Minister to Start the Weed Legalization Process

Justin Trudeau’s Liberals Elected Here in Canada–Promises to Legalize Marijuana

20 10 2015

I know a lot of people outside Canada think that marijuana is legal in Canada, but it’s not. It’s decriminalized, and that’s not quite the same thing.

Well, last night (October 19, 2015), we Canadians kicked out our Conservative government and voted in the Liberal Party of Canada, led by Justin Trudeau. One of their many campaign promises was/is to finally legalize marijuana  here in Canada. What does this mean? No more sneaking off to a seedy dealers place, or worrying about getting caught and having to pay a stupid fine. No, if they do as planned, we will be able to buy our pot legally… And I can’t wait. They take power in January of 2016 – Let’s hope they come through!

Welcome Home Marc Emery!

15 08 2014

FreemarcWell, it’s been far too long, but Pot activist and business man Marc Emery is out of jail in the States and back in Canada. If you don’t know the story, here is an all too brief, and possibly inaccurate summary of what went on and why Marc was in jail in the U.S.: Marc had a store in Vancouver, B.C. called Hemp BC, and one of the things he happen to sell at this store was marijuana seeds. Not pot, but just the seeds. He did this for a long time with no problems, but eventually the authorities in the United States started to get interested in Marc’s business. You see, they didn’t like the fact  that this guy was selling pot seeds to people in the States. No sir, they didn’t like it at all. Who was he to provide pot seed, allowing people to grow, and then presumably consume and get high. The DEA called him a drug dealer never mind that he only sold seeds, and there isn’t enough THC in pot seeds to get an ant high. The US authorities charged Marc with conspiracy to manufacture marijuana… Now. Marc lives in Canada where  the rules are a little bit different than in the U.S. where the charges were actually laid. That should account for something, right?

Cannabis_leaf.svgNope!! When the DEA requested he be extradited to the U.S., our shitty Conservative government in Canada handed him right up. Hell, I was surprised he was delivered with a bow on.He spent the best part of 5 years in a foreign prison system for selling goddamned pot seeds.

Well, he is now out of prison back in Canada. I heard talk that he want to help drive out the Conservatives in the next Canadian Federal election, and I say good on him. I mean, they didn’t seem to do much of anything to help him and actually seemed happy to hand him over to a foreign government. Well, Marc, many of your fellow Canadians support you, the legalization of Marijuana and the ousting of this terrible Conservative government. We stand with you.

We are glad to have you back…       

Fun Blog Post: 25 Signs You Smoke Too Much Pot

28 06 2014

zigzagmanFound on, 25 signs that you smoke too much pot. Pretty funny stuff and if anything, it gave me a few ideas regarding smoking! Hehehe… enjoy!

Pretty Good Step By Step Instructions For Turning Keef to Hash

10 06 2014

Check out this easy and awesome step by step instructions for turning your grinder dust (a.k.a. Keef), into Hash!


Uruguay Considering Importing Pot From Canada…Maybe

21 03 2014


An interesting article at the discussing the feasibility of Uruguay importing marijuana from legal growers in Canada. The article does point out that while it may not be practical now for both financial and legal reasons, marijuana trade between nations could be a thing at some time. Read the article yourself at the link below.

4:20 Today… A Selfie

1 12 2013

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Cool Post at Movieclips Trailers–Top 10 Stoner Films!

9 08 2013