Fun Blog Post: 25 Signs You Smoke Too Much Pot

28 06 2014

zigzagmanFound on, 25 signs that you smoke too much pot. Pretty funny stuff and if anything, it gave me a few ideas regarding smoking! Hehehe… enjoy!

Why We Really Get the Munchies

10 02 2014

WIN_20131201_162258 (2)So, I like you, get the munchies really bad sometimes when I am smoking my herb. I never gave the actual reason any thought behind it, though. Turns out, some researchers have, though.

A team of neuroscientists at the University of Bordeau, led by Giovanni Marsicano  have disciovered that our sense of tast and smell are greatly enhanced when under the influence of marijuana, making the eating experience more exciting and intense…

Great, there goes any chance of me losing weight! lol…

Check out the very interesting article below:

A Scientific Explanation of How Marijuana Causes the Munchies

10 Common Myths About Weed

15 06 2013

Thanks goes goes to my buddy Whorghoul for this link!

A Few Highlights From 4:20 in Edmonton, Alberta

22 04 2013

Okay… The weather was terrible and we only stayed for a few minutes. Sorry folks, but it felt like the planet was trying to kill us.

Here are the few shots we got:

Myths and Facts about Marijuana

28 11 2009

Marijuanasmall  I found this article dispelling marijuana myths using marijuana facts.

Now, this is the way to combat anti-marijuana people! Use factual, not emotional arguments. You will win, if you do.

A good read, so check it out!

Marijuana: The Facts

The 5 Biggest Marijuana Myths Debunked

24 11 2009

pot-leaf COED Magazine has posted on their blog an article busting the five biggest marijuana myths.

While I don’t need any convincing as to the merits of Pot and how little dander it poses it’s users, I love posts like these. Reasonably well written, it‘s an interesting and informative piece.

Check it out here: