About Me

Hello and welcome to what I hope becomes a thriving blog/community dedicated to the wonderful plant/drug, Marijuana (hence forth mostly to be referred to as “pot”).

A Little about me and my experiences with pot:

Call me Weedly (not my real name). I have been smoking pot for about 25 years and will probably continue for the rest of my life. I started smoking pot as a typical Canadian teenager of the 1980s. I smoked pot at first because my friends were, but quickly switched to smoking for my own reasons (heeheehee). I used to love smoking a big joint and then putting on the ol’ headphones and escaping into Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon or Relics, Klaatu’s Hope or whatever other freaky album I might have been into at that exact moment in time. Friday night trips (pun intended) the the gigantic West Edmonton Mall to play videogames in the great Aladdin’s arcade while in a pot induced delirium or hanging out with at a buddies place playing darts and smoking were the norm.

Over the years, I continued smoking, mostly for pleasure’s sake, and never in any really great amounts: just a joint or two a day for the most part. Sure, there were times, with buddies, where we might go through a significant amount of weed in a short while… but those times were fewer and farther between as time went by. Casual smoking was really the norm, not the exception.

Then in the mid 1990s I hurt my back quite badly at work and found myself off work, recuperating for a significant amount of time. While injured I was prescribed various drugs for pain and inflammation reduction. All these drugs seemed to have side effects that (for me) seemed worse that the original pain. Codeine made me sleepy and slow, Arthrotec (or whatever) gave me weird dreams and fitful sleep, some gave me an upset stomach. I soon discovered that the best medicine for me was one I was already using: Pot (surprised?). Out of frustration, I started smoking a little more when the pain was particularly bad. Soon I started noticing (as did the people around me), that I was up and about a lot more and complaining a lot less about my back pain. Now, I don’t know if the pot actually reduced the pain much, but it did manage to distract me from it, allowing me to enjoy life a lot more than I had been. I was a poster-child (heh, not really a child, but you know what I mean), for Medical Marijuana before I ever heard of the term!

So, over fourteen years since my accident, I still suffer with chronic back pain. Aside from prescribed drugs for the pain, there doesn’t seem to be any “fix” for what ails me, so I still find myself self medicating with pot when the pain gets to be too much. That’s not to say that I don’t smoke for pleasure anymore, because I do. It’s just that I also smoke for relief.

I should state that the point of this blog is not necessarily to be an advocate for Medical Marijuana, but to share pot experiences, good times bad time etc. This blog is supposed to be fun, and if I manage to help someone in any way, well cool beans, then!

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