Welcome Home Marc Emery!

15 08 2014

FreemarcWell, it’s been far too long, but Pot activist and business man Marc Emery is out of jail in the States and back in Canada. If you don’t know the story, here is an all too brief, and possibly inaccurate summary of what went on and why Marc was in jail in the U.S.: Marc had a store in Vancouver, B.C. called Hemp BC, and one of the things he happen to sell at this store was marijuana seeds. Not pot, but just the seeds. He did this for a long time with no problems, but eventually the authorities in the United States started to get interested in Marc’s business. You see, they didn’t like the fact  that this guy was selling pot seeds to people in the States. No sir, they didn’t like it at all. Who was he to provide pot seed, allowing people to grow, and then presumably consume and get high. The DEA called him a drug dealer never mind that he only sold seeds, and there isn’t enough THC in pot seeds to get an ant high. The US authorities charged Marc with conspiracy to manufacture marijuana… Now. Marc lives in Canada where  the rules are a little bit different than in the U.S. where the charges were actually laid. That should account for something, right?

Cannabis_leaf.svgNope!! When the DEA requested he be extradited to the U.S., our shitty Conservative government in Canada handed him right up. Hell, I was surprised he was delivered with a bow on.He spent the best part of 5 years in a foreign prison system for selling goddamned pot seeds.

Well, he is now out of prison back in Canada. I heard talk that he want to help drive out the Conservatives in the next Canadian Federal election, and I say good on him. I mean, they didn’t seem to do much of anything to help him and actually seemed happy to hand him over to a foreign government. Well, Marc, many of your fellow Canadians support you, the legalization of Marijuana and the ousting of this terrible Conservative government. We stand with you.

We are glad to have you back…       

Happy New Year!!!

1 01 2014

What I am up to RIGHT NOW!

2013-12-31 23.56.12

Cool Post at Movieclips Trailers–Top 10 Stoner Films!

9 08 2013

Marc Emery, Canada’s “Prince of Pot” is On His Way Back To Canada

11 07 2013

FreemarcPot activist, Marc Emery, currently serving time in a California prison for distribution of pot seeds has got the okay to serve the rest of his sentence in a Canadian jail.

Marc was extradited to California where he was up on charges related to his Canadian based business of selling pot seeds. Funny thing is, I think he might have had less issues if he were selling illegal weapons (that’s a joke – I have no evidence of one carrying a higher penalty than the other).

This is good news for Marc who, in my opinion, should never have been extradited to the U.S. in the first place.

Checkout the article at Cannabis Culture:


Joan River Smokes Pot on Her Reality Show

2 02 2012

OK… I think Joan Rivers is a hilarious person always. I also think she’s cool. Now I know she is: She smoked pot on her new reality show!

Check out the link to the story and the clip from her show on the Winnipeg Sun’s site here:



Who’s Got the Best Weed?

27 11 2010

A Cannabis Contest in Aspen aims to crown a champ!


While blogging I was listening to DEVO – Total Devo – Don’t Be Cruel

Zach Galifianakis smokes weed on Bill Maher’s Real Time

30 10 2010

So, actor Zack Galifianakis lit one up live on TV this week.

Check it out here!

You go for it Zack!

And one more thing: If you’re reading this, are of age and live in California then remember: Get your Ass Off the Couch and Vote for Prop. 19 and your local Democrat.

(I’m a Canadian, but I still care).

Neighbours Decide to Legalize Pot Amongst Themselves. Hmmm…

19 06 2010

According to a post over at The Skunk.org, thumbs-up-for-pot residents of Granada Hills, a suburb of Las Angeles, California have voted to legalize marijuana for personal use amongst themselves.

The vote, which was unanimously in favour of legalizing pot in the neighbourhood, took place in one of the resident’s garage. That sounds pretty legit! I bet that the air in that garage was a little hazy.

It’s not know whether the vote would hold up in court if challenged.

Check out the original article here:


While blogging I was listening to the always awesome Pink Floyd – Meddle – One Of These Days

Judge Napolitano Says It’s Time To Legalize Marijuana

7 05 2010
I found this quite interesting: U.S. Judge Andrew Napolitano discussing the idea of legalization of Marijuana.