Uruguay Considering Importing Pot From Canada…Maybe

21 03 2014


An interesting article at the globalpost.com discussing the feasibility of Uruguay importing marijuana from legal growers in Canada. The article does point out that while it may not be practical now for both financial and legal reasons, marijuana trade between nations could be a thing at some time. Read the article yourself at the link below.


Why We Really Get the Munchies

10 02 2014

WIN_20131201_162258 (2)So, I like you, get the munchies really bad sometimes when I am smoking my herb. I never gave the actual reason any thought behind it, though. Turns out, some researchers have, though.

A team of neuroscientists at the University of Bordeau, led by Giovanni Marsicano  have disciovered that our sense of tast and smell are greatly enhanced when under the influence of marijuana, making the eating experience more exciting and intense…

Great, there goes any chance of me losing weight! lol…

Check out the very interesting article below:

A Scientific Explanation of How Marijuana Causes the Munchies

4:20 On January 1, 2014

1 01 2014

Ready for ignition!

2014-01-01 16.20.10

Happy New Year

4:20 Today… A Selfie

1 12 2013

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Marc Emery, Canada’s “Prince of Pot” is On His Way Back To Canada

11 07 2013

FreemarcPot activist, Marc Emery, currently serving time in a California prison for distribution of pot seeds has got the okay to serve the rest of his sentence in a Canadian jail.

Marc was extradited to California where he was up on charges related to his Canadian based business of selling pot seeds. Funny thing is, I think he might have had less issues if he were selling illegal weapons (that’s a joke – I have no evidence of one carrying a higher penalty than the other).

This is good news for Marc who, in my opinion, should never have been extradited to the U.S. in the first place.

Checkout the article at Cannabis Culture:


Hansel and Gretel Get Baked (2013)–From Out of Nowhere Comes a Surprisingly Entertaining Retold Tale

2 07 2013

You folks know what’s fun? Getting high and watching a funny movie – well, here’s on for you all!

HGBakedWell, I have to say that when this movie popped up on the list of titles that Netflix recommends me to watch, I wasn’t very enthusiastic about it. Then yesterday afternoon I received an email from a reader of the blog strongly suggesting that I watch it, saying that they were surprised at just how fun the movie was. Grudgingly, I decided to watch it for myself – And I am glad I did.

Hansel and Gretel Get Baked (HGGB) is a 2013 release that I am guessing was released to ride on what could have been the wave of a bigger budget Hansel and Gretel movie that seems to have actually fizzled – that’s okay though, as this movie is fun in it’s own right.

HGGB tells the modernized tale of a brother and sister duo, Hansel and Gretel, who go off on a quest to save Gretel’s stoner boyfriend who disappeared after going to get some more killer “Black Forrest” pot from a little old lady who has gained notoriety from the incredible quality of the weed she is selling. Turns out the little old lady, Agnes (and played quite well by Lara Flynn Boyle), is actually a Witch that uses the weed to lure teens to her home where she capture a select few to harvest their youthful essence, restoring her youth, and also uses their bodies as mulch to help produce the high quality pot.

The movie was much better than I expected with good production quality, plenty of gore and half decent acting – way more than I would expect from something with a title like this. I have to say I was actually pleasantly surprised at just how good this movie really is. Sure, it’s pot humour, but it’s also a horror and a comedy – watch this one folks!

Here’s the trailer:

10 Common Myths About Weed

15 06 2013

Thanks goes goes to my buddy Whorghoul for this link!

I’m Getting Ready to Relax

8 05 2013

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While relaxing I’m also watching the movie, Otis

Jury Refuses to Convict Anyone for Marijuana Possession!

28 02 2012

A Judge could b=not try a man for possessing a small amount of Pot, as he could not find a jury that would convict someone for such a small amount…

Fuck Yeah!


While blogging I was listening to Portishead – Melody Nelson – Wandering Star

Only Feel Up To Smoking a Little Bit…

5 02 2012


So I woke up with a damned cold today, and I am really not up to smoking a lot, but I really feel like smoking a joint and not a pipe. What do I do? I cut my rolling paper in half – and roll a half sized joint. This was just perfect. With this cold, I really couldn’t handle much more.

Here’s to halfers!

While blogging I was listening to The Tragically Hip – Phantom Power – Thompson Girl